Sumida-ku Mukojima Kagai Beloved by Writers and Artists
Mukojima, depicted in ukiyo-e since ancient times and serving as the backdrop for numerous novels and plays.
The quietly standing Mukojima Kagai in the 2nd and 5th districts of Mukojima.
On the other side of the Sumida River, just across from Asakusa, lies a hidden utopia of Edo tra-ditions that still lingers today.
Basics of Ozashiki Etiquette

Basics of Ozashiki Etiquette
Even though the concept of Ozashiki may seem unfamiliar and daunting for beginners, Mukojima Kagai offers numerous traditional Japanese restaurants where even first-timers can enjoy the company of geisha in this setting.
Basics of Ozashiki Etiquetteおもてなしの心

Events to Meet Geisha
Geisha participate in various traditional events throughout the year in the entertainment districts and also take part in local events.
This offers a precious opportunity to encounter geisha not just in traditional tea houses but also in various locations across the town.
January New Year Visits
In the New Year, geisha dress in formal attire and visit various teahouses to offer New Year's greetings. In the Ozashiki, geisha perform lion dances to celebrate the New Year with the customers.
February Setsubun Festivities
Geisha participate in a unique event referred to as 'obake,' where they dress up in costumes and visit the Ozashiki. It's a rare chance to see geisha in unconventional attire, which isn't typically observed.
March Bokutei Cherry Blossom Festival
The festival held at Sumida Park features a limited-time "Geisha Teahouse" where geisha serve tea-an exclusive event offered by the geisha for a brief period.
July Sumida River Fireworks Festival
On the day of the fireworks festival, the geisha district's restaurants open their rooftops and other areas for special banquets. While geisha usually wear kimonos, on that day they appear in yuka-ta.
September Ushijima-Jinja Shrine Grand Festival
The grand festival that occurs every five years sees geisha performing a ceremonial dance. Dur-ing the evening neighborhood procession, you can witness the geisha's palanquin procession.
October Sumida Festival
The festival centered around Kinshi Park features geisha performing traditional dances. It's a live-ly event that attracts many people every year.
November Mukojima Odori
This is held as a stage to showcase the results of the geisha's regular practice. It's an opportunity to witness dances and musical accompaniments that are exclusive to the Ozashiki and cannot be seen elsewhere.*the events are held irregularly.